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Member Benefits

The Regals Musical Society is a membership-based organisation.

Our Membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December. Anyone is encouraged to be a member, though it is also is necessary for each cast member of a show to be a financial member, so that they are covered by our insurance during the rehearsal and show period.Our members are expected to agree to our Code of Conduct, Terms & Conditions, and our Constitution. 

Full Member  = $40 per annum

Junior Member = $20 per annum (for under 18)

Membership Benefits

Member TypeFull MemberAssociate MemberJunior MemberLife MemberHonorary Member
May vote and serve on committee. Has been a financial member for at least the past six months.New members, who joined less than six months ago.For those under 18 years old. Most member benefits apply, subject to parent/guardian approval.Appointed to those who’ve made a significant contribution to the society.
Membership Fees$40$40$20$0 (Appointed)$0 (Appointed)
Voting Rights✅
May join committee✅
Priority Ticket Window (best seats)✅✅✅✅✅
Early audition slot access✅✅✅✅✅
Priority Access for Front of House shifts & other volunteer activities with the Society✅✅✅✅✅
Member’s Only Events✅✅[Events which are all ages]✅✅
Free small popcorn refill (with purchase)✅✅✅✅✅
Digital Membership Card✅✅✅✅✅
Complimentary Tickets to each show✅✅
Recognised on website and programmes✅✅

Notes on Membership:

Life Members must still sign up as Full Members in order to vote, but the membership fee is waived. This is to ensure our Code of Conduct and Terms & Conditions are reviewed regularly, and so that we have a full accounting of voting members for our AGM.

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